African Adventures


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Goodbye Ceremony: Tanzania, You will be missed.

Today is one of our last days in Moshono Village. We spend the day relaxing and spending time with the locals.  Here is the school:  

The "Mums" who cooked/cleaned for us while we stayed in Moshono.
Bob (security guard) showed us to his house...

How neat! They work out in TZ too!

Bob, his wife, and oldest daughter.

Moshono Primary school has scheduled a "Goodbye Ceremony" for us. The children sang many songs thanking us for our work, and did beautiful traditional dances for us.
This video isnt the best quality, but it sums up the ceremony:

Ronald! The little boy whom I paid for to finish school.

They had a lunch/dinner prepared for us in one of the classrooms.

Saying goodbye to Jescar.

Here is Bob and his daughter Brigetta, she was a dancer.
Mount Kilimanjaro form the airplane on the way home.

 It was great to finally get home and see the friends and family I had missed while abroad. But nothing beats sleeping under a net and waking up at 5am every morning to The Call to Prayer. My heart is still in Africa, and I will do whatever it takes to get back.

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